The journey into weight loss begins in the mind, more importantly the unconscious mind. Everybody knows the scientific, research based steps to lose weight, right? Eating less calories and exercising more. So why is this simple concept so challenging to follow? Unfortunately, the unconscious mind gets in the way.
*The unconscious mind is that part of yourself that holds memories, values and your belief system.
*The unconscious is vast with information, where the conscious part of your mind is limited. Imagine an iceberg, the conscious mind is the tip of the iceberg, where the unconscious part is the rest.
*You may consciously want to lose weight but, somewhere in your unconscious mind you are stuck.
*That unconscious part of you may not feel like you deserve it, you may have a false belief that food is your only source of comfort or you may have an insecurity about receiving praise and attention.
*There are millions of unconscious reasons that have kept people overweight and none have to do with consciously wanting to be fat.
The struggle to lose weight doesnt have to exist any longer. Losing weight does not mean that you have to go on a restricted unpleasant diet, eat frozen foods or take pills or shots with harsh side effects. What years of negative experiences, memories and beliefs created, hypnosis can undo. The process of hypnosis, or focused attention, has been researched and proven to aid in weight loss. You can reach your ideal weight effortlessly through the power of your Unconscious mind.
Written by: Denise Wasmer, MHC, C.Ht
Do you suffer from panic attacks? A panic attack could happen without a warning. It happens when something triggers a feeling of intense fear that is followed by physical reactions that in most cases includes:
- heart palpitations
- shortness of breath
- sweating of hands
- feeling weak, faint or dizzy
- tingling or numbness in the hands
- chest pains
- blurred vision
- feeling a loss of control
The fear and terror that a person experiences during a panic attack are not in proportion to the true situation and may be unrelated to what is happening around them. People who have had one panic attack are at greater risk for having subsequent panic attacks than those who have never experienced a panic attack.
What is the solution????
It's all about control! When your mind feels that it has lost control over a situation you will panic. As soon as you feel you are in control again, you'll stop the attacks. Hypnosis works directly with your mind to find out the cause of the attack and to reestablish the sense of balance and control you need to stop suffering from panic attacks once and for all.
With the help of self hypnosis / hypnotherapy you can learn to recognise the feelings that precede your panic attacks and release the hold they have on your life. There is a safe place in which to face these things. A place where you can go any time you wish and truly relax.
Written by: Laraine Marques, C.Ht
Get out of grief and back to life! The lost of a loved one could be devastating emotionally and physically. To grieve is a process of adjusting yourself to deal with absence of a loved one. The grieving process doesn't happen only after the death of someone we love; it also takes place after a divorce, or breakup. Grief can last a few months or even many years, it is up to how fast we accept the disappearance of the other person that the healing can then take place. Sometimes it is hard to accept that the person we love so much is no longer with us. We find ourselves angry, loss, frustrated & confused. Simply because we have not been able to cope with the feeling of abandonment, or rejection. There are ways in which to deal with said feelings.
Hypnosis has ways to bring comfort to your mind by teaching you to think and see other perspectives. Once you take the burden off everything will flow in perfect balance, and you will be able to get out of grief and back to life. So whether your grief is due to the loss of a loved one or simply a break up or divorce, do know that you do not have to go through this process alone.
Written by: Laraine Marques, C.Ht