Monday, March 14, 2011

Are you spending more than you make in order to feel better?

Are you spending more than you make in order to feel better? 

Is it hard for you to cut down now that our economy is not at its best? Do you know what’s wrong with you? You are having problems adapting to a new trend of life. Somehow some of us have learned to believe that spending is a reward and it is the only external pleasure we get to feel good about ourselves. 

Hypnosis will train your mind to think different and to maintain the will power not to over spend.  Hypnosis works deeply with your unconscious mind to establish new patterns in your habits, creating a new conception about the way you shop, invest, or gamble.  Hypnosis helps by “teaching” your mind that you are not the person you used to be a few years ago, that for now you need to cut down on your expenses, and most important to identify your “needs” and your “wants”.  You will also learn of other external stimulus that could be a substitute for the ‘reward’ you are seeking. Give yourself a chance to make a positive change and you’ll see how this ‘financial hardship’ will slowly get better and better until you’re back on your feet again!

By: Laraine Marques, C.Ht

Monday, March 7, 2011

Stressed out to the MAX!!!!!!!!!!

Are you stressed?  Frustrated? Wish you could escape from work, home, kids, spouse, for at least an hour?  Well you can with hypnosis! 

Under hypnosis you can bring your mind and body to perfect harmony.  You deserve time for yourself to be free and to let go! As your mind disconnects from all the stressors in your life your body lets go of the physical pressure in your muscles and you achieve a perfect state of relaxation at a much deeper level than going to a spa. Why?  Because when you go to the spa you relax while you are receiving a body massage maybe your mind wonders off for a few minutes but once you are out on the street your worries come back to you and you end up feeling physically better but not mentally relaxed. 

With hypnosis you experience your relaxation at a deeper level because you visualize your body relaxing and your stressors fading away slowly.  We cannot take your problems away but we leave you at a mental state where you can deal with them when the time comes without over worrying before time.  Wouldn’t you like to learn how to worry less?  Of course you do!  Come over, and give it a try today, you’ll be 100 times more relaxed than ever!

Written by: Laraine Marques, C.Ht