Monday, April 25, 2011

Do you talk to yourself?? Maybe its time you should

Do you talk to yourself? Did you know that you should? 

Yes, you should talk to yourself every day, as often as you can.  It’s called “self-talk”.  You should talk to yourself in a positive, loving, caring manner, to reassure your mind how unique, smart, and perfect you are. 

Always talk to yourself in present time, not in future time. For example:  “I achieve all my goals with ease” instead of “I will learn to achieve my goals”.  This is an excellent technique that with practice will help you to maintain positive at all times & lift your self-esteem. 

We've all heard of self-fulfilling prophecy, well every time you talk to yourself in a negative way you are increasing the chance of not only making it real but also of believing it. If you say it enough times, you will believe it.
Possitive affirmations is also a great exercise to bring help you speak mor epositively about yourslef. Learn how to talk to yourself, practice it for a while, and see the incredible results in a few weeks. 

Here are a few positive self-talk affirmations for you to practice on:
  • I can do it
  • Nothing is impossible for me
  • Im feeling great today & everyday
  • Today is a new beginning
  • I believe in myself
  • My life is full of opportunities
Written by: Laraine Marques, C.Ht

Monday, April 18, 2011

Do you want to stop a habit? Biting your nails, compulsive shopper, or excessiveness of anything at all?

Do you want to stop a habit? Biting your nails, compulsive shopper, or excessiveness of anything at all?

Here's a tip to clear your mind and put everything in order; your priorities, your needs, and your wants! 

Once you have accepted the unwanted behavior, it is easy to make your mind understand that it is time to let go and replace that behavior with a positive healthier one but first ask yourself these 2 simple questions......... 

1. Does biting your nails really keep you from showing fear or anxiety? 
2. Does buying everything you see makes you feel appreciated or loved? 

A habit can give you a false sense of security, if that’s what you are basing your life on…then it is all fake, just part of your false reality.  Do you want to live in a world where your feelings and ideas are an illusion?  I don’t think so! 

You don’t deserve to have hands you are ashamed of, or to be broke at the end of every week!  It’s time you do something that is really rewarding for you!  Hypnosis will help you let go of those habits.  What’s keeping you from doing so, you probably havent considered HYPNOSIS have you?  Maybe its time you did. Hypnosis will help get rid of all your unwanted habits in just a few sessions, its easy, fun & it works.

By: Laraine Marques, CH.t

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Understanding Your Recurring Dreams!!

Do you have recurrent dreams? Are you dreaming the same or similar things over & over again. Perhaps this has been happening now for some time. You try to forget it, dismiss it as "unimportant". What if there's more to your dreams.
Everyone dreams, but few people find sufficient interest in their dreams to move beyond mere curiosity. Exploring these aspects, however, can help provide insight.
In order to understand your dreams better you should try a Past Life Regression!  With a (PLR) Past Life Regressions you can discover if your “recurrent dream” is actually a memory hunting you from another life time.  Perhaps this dreams continues to linger because it has a lesson for you to unleash in order to resolve an issue in your present life.  In many occasions there many answers being revealed in your dreams connecting you to a previous life experience.
After you touch on that memory through a (PLR) your mind will be able to distinguish between the past and the present, and that dream will be put to rest once and for all. Give it a try!  You’ll love the experience!
Blog by: Laraine Marques, C.Ht